The Mojos Group video

The Mojos Group's video

The video was recoreded for Hard Rock Audition, for the Viva Latin Rock Proyect, back on 2018.

Burning Elephant's group Video

Burning Elephant's group Video

This video was a concert at Peña Cultural - San Ramón Sept 22nd, 2019. With the group Burning Elephant.

CISCO's Accecc Lists

CISCO's Accecc Lists

This is an introductory explanation to network security. Makes understand the basics of network security and the initial configuration of Access Lists.


Evocación - Carlos Alberto Patiño

I want to share a poem recorded by my grandfather, the first animator and announcer in Costa Rica CARLOS ALBERTO PATIÑO in the 70s we remember it is called Evocación.


Solitario - Carlos Alberto Patiño

I want to share a poem recorded by my grandfather, the first animator and announcer in Costa Rica CARLOS ALBERTO PATIÑO in the 70s we remember it is called Solitario .
